To the fallen ~ Nanjing Massacre Museum


My father always told me Chinese history is tainted with bitterness and suffering. He was never wrong about that. What happened at Nanjing, was cruelty in its modern form, purely human evil…..

I highly recommend “Rape of Nanking” to all who haven’t read it. Its gruesome and numbing but most importantly effective. And written by the brilliant and volatile, Iris Chang, who took her life after  a battle with depression most likely triggered by all her extensive research on the horrors of Nanjing.


At the entrance of the museum, there were these statues standing on the flowing stream of water (that cleverly guided visitors in). They depicted victims of the massacre frozen in air. Below them, quotes were embedded in white print (translated in Chinese & English). Continue reading

Nanjing! Nanjing!


“Collect beautiful moments not things”  

When you get the chance to fly and end up with window seat, the one thing you must do is stare out the window (longingly, romantically, and passionately) at the city of clouds, how they just barely form white mountain peaks against the pink horizon. Its not your everyday car ride, its a ride above the clouds, the closest we’ll get to touching the sky.

We arrived at Nanjing at nightfall, all purely exhausted. In my state of clumsiness, I even tripped and fell on the cement while lugging my ugly red suitcase. It’s easy to say we were all relieved upon arriving at the hotel for a long awaited night rest.


Morning came fresh and early. We visited St. Paul’s church in the city at 10am for their English service. The interior was lit in a 1800’s feel, mmh, beautiful.

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